Assignment 03

Assignment 3 released on Probability, Statistics, and Distances. Here is the notebook.

Special Note for Colab Users

If you are doing this homework on Colab, you will have to take these 3 extra steps:

  1. Copy this zipped test folder to your Colab local storage
  2. In colab run the following commands,
    !pip install rarfile
    !apt-get install unrar
  3. Copy the below code and run it in a cell after the pip installations:
    import rarfile
    import os
    rar_file = ‘hw3_tests.rar’
    with rarfile.RarFile(rar_file) as rf:
  4. Add another code cell with !pip install otter-grader

The last grader.export cell will give you an error, however all other cells should run. Download your notebook from Colab and submit the .ipynb directly to Gradescope.

Good luck! Please reach out on Piazza with any questions or issues.