import numpy as npimport scipy as spimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport pandas as pdimport seaborn as snsimport matplotlib as mpimport sklearnimport networkx as nxfrom IPython.display import Image, HTMLimport laUtilities as ut%matplotlib inline
Now we turn to two important concepts in the analysis of networks: * Important nodes, and * Important groups of nodes.
The question of important nodes leads to the notion of centrality,
And the question of important groups of nodes leads to the notion of clustering.
In both cases, we will draw connections between graphs and linear algebra.
An common question in the analysis of networks is to understand the relative “importance” of the nodes in the network.
For example:
in a social network, who are the most influential individuals?
in the Web, which pages are more informative?
in road network, which intersections are most heavily used?
The key idea is that the structure of the network should give us some information about the relative importance of the nodes in the network.
To introduce concepts here, we’ll look at a very famous dataset in the history of network analysis: Zachary’s karate club.
The back story: from 1970 to 1972 the anthropologist Wayne Zachary studied the social relationships inside a university karate club.
While he was studying the club, a factional division led to a splitting of the club in two.
The club became split between those who rallied around the club president, and those who rallied around the karate instructor.
You can read the story of the Karate club [here]( This dataset has become so famous that it has spawned [its own academic traditions](
Here’s a view of the social network of the karate club.
In this graph, most nodes are close to most other nodes.
However we can see that some nodes are slightly more central than others.
plt.figure(figsize = (6, 4))plt.hist(cent, bins=np.linspace(0, 1, 30))plt.xlabel('Closeness Centrality', size =14)plt.ylabel('Number of Nodes', size =14)plt.title('Distribution of Closeness Centrality', size =16);
Betweenness Centrality
Another way to think about centrality is “is the node on many paths?”
If we picture the network as a conduit for information, then betweenness captures how important a node is to the communication process (or “how much” information passes through the node).
First, let’s consider the case in which there is only one shortest path between any pair of nodes.
Then, the betweenness centrality of node \(i\) is the number of shortest paths that pass through \(i\).
\[ \text{betweenness}(i) = \sum_{i \neq j \neq k \in V} \left\{\begin{array}{ll}1&\text{if path from }j\text{ to }k\text{ goes through }i\\0&\text{otherwise}\end{array}\right. \]
We can convert this to a value between 0 and 1 by dividing by \({n \choose 2} = n(n-1)/2\).
Now, in a general graph, there may be multiple shortest paths between \(j\) and \(k\).
To handle this, we define: * \(\sigma(i \mid j,k)\) is the number of shortest paths between \(j\) and \(k\) that pass through \(i\), and * \(\sigma(j,k)\) is the total number of shortest paths between \(j\) and \(k\).
Then we define the dependency of \(i\) on the paths between \(j\) and \(k\):
Notice that this is just the definition of a matrix-vector multiplication.
So we can write even more concisely:
\[ A\mathbf{e} = \lambda\mathbf{e} \]
… which means that \(\mathbf{e}\) must be an eigenvector of \(A\).
For this reason, status centrality is often called eigenvector centrality.
Which eigenvector of \(A\) should we choose?
Let’s assume that the graph \(G\) is connected.
Then there is a good argument for choosing the largest eigenvalue of \(A\), in which case all of the entries in \(\mathbf{e}\) will be nonnegative.
(This fact comes from the Perron-Frobenius theorem, which tells us that if \(G\) is connected, then the largest eigenvalue of \(A\) is positive and the corresponding eigenvector is nonnegative.)
plt.figure(figsize = (6, 4))plt.hist(cent, bins=np.linspace(0, 1, 30))plt.xlabel('Eigenvector Centrality', size =14)plt.ylabel('Number of Nodes', size =14)plt.title('Distribution of Eigenvector Centrality', size =16);
As a more detailed example, we can ask whether this definition of “prestige” applies to NCAA Division 1A football teams, based on who they play against.
(Remember this data is from 2000!)
# data from = nx.readwrite.gml.read_gml('data/football.gml')ec = nx.eigenvector_centrality(football)cent = [ec[i] for i in football.nodes()]np.random.seed(1)fig = plt.figure(figsize = (14, 14))nx.draw_networkx(football, pos = nx.spring_layout(football), node_color = cent, cmap ='Eigenvector Centrality on Football Network')plt.axis('off');
So let’s compare the three versions of centrality we’ve looked at:
# consider discussing node ranking# this is a fun paper: cite: The Perron–Frobenius Theorem and the Ranking of Football Teams# and there is useful data here:
Clustering and Partitioning
We now turn to the question of finding important groups of nodes.
Why might we want to cluster graph nodes?
Assiging computations to processors in a parallel computer
Segmenting images (finding boundaries between objects)
Clustering words found together in documents, or documents with similar words
Divide and conquer algorithms
Circuit layout in VLSI
Community detection in social networks
Min \(s\)-\(t\) cut
We’ll start with a problem that is fundamental to many other problems in graph analysis.
Let’s say we have a graph \(G\) and two nodes in mind, \(s\) and \(t\).
We would like to isolate\(s\) from \(t\). What is the cheapest way to do it?
For an interesting historical perspective on the min-cut problem and its relation to the Cold War, see
["On the history of the transportation and maximum flow problems,"]( by Alexander Schrijver, in Mathematical Programming 91.3 (2002): 437-445.
A min \(s\)-\(t\) cut problem is as follows.
We are given a weighted graph \(G = (V,E)\).
An \(s\)-\(t\) cut \(C\) of \(G\) is a partition of \(V\) into \((U, V-U)\) such that \(s \in U\) and \(t \in V-U\).
The cost of a cut is the total weight of the edges that go between the two parts:
As mentioned, when Wayne Zachary studied the club, a conflict arose between the instructor and the president (nodes 0 and 33).
Zachary predicted the way the club would split based on an \(s\)-\(t\) min cut.
In fact, he correctly predicted every single member’s eventual association except for node 8!
Gcopy = G.copy()Gcopy.remove_edges_from(cut_edges)cc = nx.connected_components(Gcopy)node_set = {node: i for i, s inenumerate(cc) for node in s}colors = ['dodgerblue', 'tomato']node_colors = [colors[node_set[v]-1] for v in G.nodes()]fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6))nx.draw_networkx(G, node_color=node_colors, pos=pos, with_labels='True', node_size=1000, font_size=16)plt.axis('off');
Minimum Cuts
Now, in partitioning a graph, we may not have any particular \(s\) and \(t\) in mind.
Rather, we may want to simply find the “cheapest” way to disconnect the graph.
Clearly, we can do this using \(s\)-\(t\) min cut, by simply trying all \(s\) and \(t\) pairs.
Let’s try this approach of finding the minimum \(s-t\) cut over all possibilities in the karate club graph:
Gcopy = G.copy()Gcopy.remove_edges_from(nx.minimum_edge_cut(G))cc = nx.connected_components(Gcopy)node_set = {node: i for i, s inenumerate(cc) for node in s}#colors = ['tomato', 'dodgerblue']node_colors = [colors[node_set[v]] for v in G]fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6))nx.draw_networkx(G, node_color=node_colors, pos=pos, with_labels='True', node_size=1000, font_size=16)plt.axis('off');
This is in fact the minimum cut: node 11 only has one edge to the rest of the graph, so the min cut is 1.
As this example shows, minimum cut is not, in general, a good approach for clustering or partitioning.
To get a more useful partition, we need to define a new goal: finding a balanced cut.
Balanced Cuts
The idea to avoid the problem above is to normalize the cut by the size of the smaller of the two components.
The problem above would be avoided because the smaller of the two cuts is just a single node.
The idea is that finding \(\alpha(G)\) gives a balanced cut – one that maximizes the number of disconnected nodes per edge removed.
How easily can we compute this?
Unfortunately, it’s not computable in polynomial time.
However, we can make good approximations, which we’ll look at now.
To do so, we’ll return to using linear algebra for graphs, and introduce spectral graph theory.
Spectral Graph Theory
If you want to study this in more detail, some excellent references are
* [Allow Me to Introduce
Spectral and Isoperimetric Graph Partitioning]( by Jonathan Shewchuck, which has outstanding visualizations and physical intuition.
* [Spectral and Algebraic Graph Theory]( by Daniel Spielman which provides proofs and much more detail.
Spectral graph theory is the use of linear algebra to study the properties of graphs.
To introduce spectral graph theory, we define some terms.
For a undirected graph \(G\) having \(n\) nodes, we define the \(n\times n\) matrix \(D\) as a diagonal matrix of node degrees.
I.e., \(D = \text{diag}(d_1, d_2, d_3, \dots)\) where \(d_i\) is the degree of node \(i\).
Then assuming \(G\) has adjacency matrix \(A\), we define the Laplacian of \(G\) as:
\[ L = D - A \]
Here is the Laplacian matrix \(L\) for the karate club network, shown as a heatmap:
L = nx.laplacian_matrix(nx.karate_club_graph()).todense()plt.figure(figsize = (7, 7))sns.heatmap(L, cmap ='equal')plt.axis('off');
Now let us think about an \(n\)-component vector \(\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^n\) as an assignment of values to nodes in the graph \(G\).
For example, \(\mathbf{x}\) could encode node “importance” or “strength” or even a more concrete notion like “temperature” or “altitude.”
Then here is an amazing fact about the Laplacian of \(G\).
(For a proof you can see the notes.)
The quadratic form
\[ \mathbf{x}^TL\mathbf{x}\]
is exactly the same as
\[ \sum_{(i,j)\in E} (x_i - x_j)^2 \]
To see that
$$ \mathbf{x}^TL\mathbf{x} = \sum_{(i,j)\in E} (x_i - x_j)^2, $$
first consider $\mathbf{x}^TL\mathbf{x}$. Writing out the quadratic form explicitly, we have that
$$ \mathbf{x}^TL\mathbf{x} = \sum_{i, j} L_{ij}x_i x_j. $$
Now, taking into account the values in $L$, we see that in the sum we will have the term $d_i x_i^2$ for each $i$, and also 2 terms of $-x_ix_j$ whenever $(i,j)\in E$.
Turning to
$$\sum_{(i,j)\in E} (x_i - x_j)^2 = \sum_{(i,j)\in E} x_i^2 - 2x_ix_j + x_j^2, $$
we have the same set of terms in the sum.
That is, the quadratic form $ ^TL$ is the sum of squared differences of \(\mathbf{x}\)over the edges in \(G\).
In other words, “When nodes have the values in \(\mathbf{x}\), how much do adjacent nodes vary?”
Now, let’s think about vectors \(\mathbf{x}\) that minimize the differences over the edges in the graph.
We can think of these as “smooth” functions on the graph – neighboring nodes don’t differ too much.
To find such “smooth” vectors, we would solve this optimization:
then \(\lambda\) is the smallest eigenvalue of \(L\) and \(\mathbf{x}\) is the corresponding eigenvector.
So … we are connecting functions on the graph \(G\) with eigenvectors of the matrix \(L\).
Quite remarkable!
Well, what do we know about \(L\)?
\(L\) is symmetric. Therefore the eigenvectors of \(L\) are orthogonal and its eigenvalues are real.
\(L\) is positive semidefinite. Therefore the eigenvalues of \(L\) are all positive or zero. (For a proof see the notes.)
We can order the eigenvalues from largest to smallest \(\lambda_n \geq \dots \geq \lambda_2 \geq \lambda_1 \geq 0.\)
How do we know that $L$ is positive semidefinite?
Consider $ \sum_{(i,j)\in E} (x_i - x_j)^2.$
This is always a nonnegative quantity.
So $\mathbf{x}^T L\mathbf{x} \geq 0$ for all $\mathbf{x}$, which is in fact the definition of positive-semidefiniteness.
Next, let’s assume that \(G\) is connected.
Then \(L\) has a single eigenvalue of value \(\lambda_1 = 0\). The corresponding eigenvector is \(\mathbf{w}_1 = \mathbf{1} = [1, 1, 1, \dots]^T\).
This is easily seen:
\[L{\mathbf 1}={\mathbf 0}.\]
Recall that row \(i\) of \(L\) consists of \(d_i\) on the diagonal, and \(d_i\) -1s in other positions.
The second-smallest eigenvalue of \(L\), \(\lambda_2\), is called the Fiedler value.
We know that all of the other eigenvectors of \(L\) are orthogonal to \(\mathbf 1\), because \(L\) is symmetric.
Because of that, a definition of the second smallest eigenvalue is:
if we think of \(x_i\) as a 1-D “coordinate” for node \(i\) in the graph,
then choosing \(\mathbf{x} = \mathbf{w}_2\) (the eigenvector corresponding to \(\lambda_2\)) puts each node in a position that minimizes the sum of the “squared stretching” of each edge.
Now, perhaps you recall that the energy in a stretched spring is proportional to the square of its stretched length.
So imagine that we use the entries in \(\mathbf{w}_2\) to position the nodes of the graph along a single dimension.
Then using the Fiedler vector \(\mathbf{w}_2\) for node coordinates is exactly the spring layout of nodes that we discussed in the last lecture – except that it is in one dimension only.
This is the basis for the spectral layout that we showed in the last lecture.
In spectral layout, we use \(\mathbf{w}_2\) for the first dimension, and \(\mathbf{w}_3\) for the second dimension.
\(\mathbf{w}_3\) is the eigenvector corresponding to
So what is the difference between the spectral layout and the spring layout?
In one dimension, they are the same, but in multiple dimensions, spectral layout optimizes each dimension separately.
Spectral Partitioning
This leads to key ideas in node partitioning.
The basic idea is to partition nodes according to the Fiedler vector \(\mathbf{w}_2\).
This can be shown to have provably good performance for the balanced cut problem.
See [Spectral and Algebraic Graph Theory]( by Daniel Spielman, Chapter 20, where it is proved that for every $U \subset V$ with $|U| \leq |V|/2$, $\alpha(G) \geq \lambda_2 (1-s)$ where $s = |U|/|V|$. In particular, $\alpha(G) \geq \lambda_2/2.$
There are a number of options for how to split based on the Fiedler vector.
If \(\mathbf{w}_2\) is the Fiedler vector, then split nodes according to a value \(s\):
bisection: \(s\) is the median value in \(\mathbf{w}_2\)
ratio cut: \(s\) is the value that maximizes \(\alpha\)
sign: separate positive and negative vaues (\(s = 0\))
gap: separate according to the largest gap in the values of \(\mathbf{w}_2\)
Here is a spectral parititioning for the karate club graph:
G = nx.karate_club_graph()f = nx.fiedler_vector(G)s = np.zeros(len(f), dtype='int')s[f >0] =1#fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6))colors = ['tomato', 'dodgerblue']np.random.seed(9)pos = nx.spring_layout(G)node_colors = [colors[s[v]] for v in G]nx.draw_networkx(G, pos=pos, node_color=node_colors, with_labels='True', node_size=1000, font_size=16)plt.axis('off');
Interestingly, this is almost the same as the \(s\)-\(t\) min cut based on the president and instructor!
Spectral Clustering
In many cases we would like to move beyond graph partitioning, to allow for clustering nodes into, say, \(k\) clusters.
The idea of spectral clustering takes the observations about the Fiedler vector and extends them to more than one dimension.
Let’s look again at the spectral layout of the football dataset.
Here we’ve labelled the nodes according to their conference, which we will think of as ground-truth labels.
import matplotlib.patches as mpatchesimport recmap = data from = nx.readwrite.gml.read_gml('data/football.gml')conf_name = {}withopen('data/football.txt', 'r') as fp:for line in fp: m = re.match('\s*(\d+)\s+=\s*([\w\s-]+)\s*\n', line)if m: conf_name[int(] = = [d['value'] for i, d in]##plt.figure(figsize = (12, 12))nx.draw_networkx(football, pos = nx.spectral_layout(football), node_color = conf, with_labels =False, cmap = cmap)plt.title('Conference Membership in Football Network')patches = [mpatches.Patch(color = cmap(i/11), label = conf_name[i]) for i inrange(12)]plt.legend(handles = patches)plt.axis('off');
Now, the key idea is that using spectral layout, we have placed nodes into a Euclidean space.
So … we could use a standard clustering algorithm in that space.
plt.figure(figsize = (12, 12))nx.draw_networkx(football, pos = nx.spectral_layout(football), node_color = conf, with_labels =False, edgelist = [], cmap = cmap)plt.title('Conference Membership in Football Network')patches = [mpatches.Patch(color = cmap(i/11), label = conf_name[i]) for i inrange(12)]plt.tick_params(left=True, bottom=True, labelleft=True, labelbottom=True)plt.legend(handles = patches);
Now the above plot shows that many clusters are well-separated in this space, but some still overlap.
To address this, we can use additional eigenvectors of the Laplacian, ie, \(\mathbf{w}_4, \mathbf{w}_5, \dots\).
So: the idea of spectral clustering is: * use enough of the smallest eigenvectors of \(L\) to sufficiently “spread out” the nodes * cluster the nodes in the Euclidean space created by this embedding.
More specifically: Given a graph \(G\):
Compute \(L\), the Laplacian of \(G\)
Compute the smallest \(d\) eigenvectors of \(L\), excluding the smallest eigenvector (the ones vector)
Let \(U \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times d}\) be the matrix containing the eigenvectors \(\mathbf{w}_2, \mathbf{w}_3, \dots, \mathbf{w}_{d+1}\) as columns
Let the position of each node \(i\) be the point in \(\mathbb{R}^d\) given by row \(i\) of \(U\)
Cluster the points into \(k\) clusters using \(k\)-means
Let’s explore the results of spectral clustering using \(d = 2\) dimensions.
# Here is a complete example of spectral clustering## The number of dimensions of spectral layoutk =2## Obtain the graphfootball## Compute the eigenvectors of its LaplacianL = nx.laplacian_matrix(football).todense()w, v = np.linalg.eig(L)v = np.array(v)# # scale each eigenvector by its eigenvalueX = v @ np.diag(w)## consider the eigenvectors in increasing order of their eigenvaluesw_order = np.argsort(w)X = X[:, w_order]## run kmeans using k top eigenvectors as coordinatesfrom sklearn.cluster import KMeanskmeans = KMeans(init='k-means++', n_clusters=11 , n_init=10)kmeans.fit_predict(X[:, 1:(k+1)])centroids = kmeans.cluster_centers_labels = kmeans.labels_error = kmeans.inertia_## visualize the resultplt.figure(figsize = (14, 7))ax1 = plt.subplot(121)nx.draw_networkx(football, ax = ax1, pos = nx.spectral_layout(football), node_color = labels, with_labels =False, edgelist = [], cmap = cmap, node_size =100)plt.tick_params(left=True, bottom=True, labelleft=True, labelbottom=True)plt.title(f'Spectral Clustering, 11 Clusters, dimension = {k}')ax2 = plt.subplot(122)nx.draw_networkx(football, ax = ax2, pos = nx.spectral_layout(football), node_color = conf, with_labels =False, edgelist = [], cmap = cmap, node_size =100)plt.title('Conference Membership in Football Network')patches = [mpatches.Patch(color = cmap(i/11), label = conf_name[i]) for i inrange(12)]plt.tick_params(left=True, bottom=True, labelleft=True, labelbottom=True)plt.legend(handles = patches, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5));
This is pretty good, but we can see that in some cases the clustering is not able to separate clusters that overlap in the visualization.
Which makes sense, as for the case \(d = 2\), we are running \(k\)-means on the points just as we see them in the visualization.
Let’s try \(d = 3\). Now there will be another dimension available to the clustering, which we can’t see in the visualization.
# Here is a complete example of spectral clustering## The number of dimensions of spectral layoutk =3### Compute the eigenvectors of its LaplacianL = nx.laplacian_matrix(football).todense()w, v = np.linalg.eig(L)v = np.array(v)# # scale each eigenvector by its eigenvalueX = v @ np.diag(w)## consider the eigenvectors in increasing order of their eigenvaluesw_order = np.argsort(w)X = X[:, w_order]## run kmeans using k top eigenvectors as coordinatesfrom sklearn.cluster import KMeanskmeans = KMeans(init='k-means++', n_clusters=11 , n_init=10)kmeans.fit_predict(X[:, 1:(k+1)])centroids = kmeans.cluster_centers_labels = kmeans.labels_error = kmeans.inertia_## visualize the resultplt.figure(figsize = (14, 7))ax1 = plt.subplot(121)nx.draw_networkx(football, ax = ax1, pos = nx.spectral_layout(football), node_color = labels, with_labels =False, edgelist = [], cmap = cmap, node_size =100)plt.tick_params(left=True, bottom=True, labelleft=True, labelbottom=True)plt.title(f'Spectral Clustering, 11 Clusters, dimension = {k}')ax2 = plt.subplot(122)nx.draw_networkx(football, ax = ax2, pos = nx.spectral_layout(football), node_color = conf, with_labels =False, edgelist = [], cmap = cmap, node_size =100)plt.title('Conference Membership in Football Network')patches = [mpatches.Patch(color = cmap(i/11), label = conf_name[i]) for i inrange(12)]plt.tick_params(left=True, bottom=True, labelleft=True, labelbottom=True)plt.legend(handles = patches, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5));
We can see visually that using 3 dimensions is giving us a better clustering than 2 dimensions.
What happens as we increase the dimension further?
To evaluate this question we can use Adjusted Rand Index:
import sklearn.metrics as metrics## Compute the eigenvectors of its LaplacianL = nx.laplacian_matrix(football).todense()w, v = np.linalg.eig(L)v = np.array(v)# # scale each eigenvector by its eigenvalueX = v @ np.diag(w)## consider the eigenvectors in increasing order of their eigenvaluesw_order = np.argsort(w)X = X[:, w_order]#max_dimension =15ri = np.zeros(max_dimension -1)for k inrange(1, max_dimension):# run kmeans using k top eigenvectors as coordinates kmeans = KMeans(init='k-means++', n_clusters =11, n_init =10) kmeans.fit_predict(X[:, 1:(k+1)]) ri[k -1] = metrics.adjusted_rand_score(kmeans.labels_, conf)#plt.figure(figsize = (8, 6))plt.plot(range(1, max_dimension), ri, 'o-')plt.xlabel('Number of Dimensions (Eigenvectors)', size =14)plt.title('Spectral Clustering of Football Network Compared to Known Labels', size =16)plt.ylabel('Adjusted Rand Index', size =14);
Based on this plot, it looks like the football graph is best described as about six-dimensional.
When we embed it in six dimensions and cluster there we get an extremely high Adjusted Rand Index.
print(f'Maximum ARI is {np.max(ri):0.3f}, using {1+ np.argmax(ri)} dimensions for spectral embedding.')
Maximum ARI is 0.868, using 6 dimensions for spectral embedding.