Decision Trees and Random Forests


  • Build a decision tree manually
  • Look at single and collective impurity measures
  • Selecting splitting attributes and test conditions
  • Scikit-learn implementation
  • Model training and evaluation
  • Bias and Variance
  • Random forests


We’ll now start looking into how to build models to predict an outcome variable from labeled data.

Classification problems:

  • predict a category
  • e.g., spam/not spam, fraud/not fraud, default/not default, malignant/benign, etc.

Regression problems:

  • predict a numeric value
  • e.g., price of a house, salary of a person, etc.

Loan Default Example

We’ll use an example from (Tan, Steinbach, and Kumar 2018).

You are a loan officer at Terrier Savings and Loan.

You have a dataset on loans that you have made in the past.

You want to build a model to predict whether a loan will default.

Loans Data Set

import pandas as pd

import os
import urllib.request

# Check if the directory exists, if not, create it
if not os.path.exists('data'):

if not os.path.exists('data/loans.csv'):
    url = ''
    urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, 'data/loans.csv')

loans = pd.read_csv('data/loans.csv', index_col=0)
Home Owner Marital Status Annual Income Defaulted Borrower
1 Yes Single 125000 No
2 No Married 100000 No
3 No Single 70000 No
4 Yes Married 120000 No
5 No Divorced 95000 Yes
6 No Married 60000 No
7 Yes Divorced 220000 No
8 No Single 85000 Yes
9 No Married 75000 No
10 No Single 90000 Yes

Here’s the summary info of the data set.

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 10 entries, 1 to 10
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column              Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------              --------------  ----- 
 0   Home Owner          10 non-null     object
 1   Marital Status      10 non-null     object
 2   Annual Income       10 non-null     int64 
 3   Defaulted Borrower  10 non-null     object
dtypes: int64(1), object(3)
memory usage: 400.0+ bytes

Since some of the fields are categorical, let’s convert them to categorical data types.

loans['Home Owner'] = loans['Home Owner'].astype('category')
loans['Marital Status'] = loans['Marital Status'].astype('category')
loans['Defaulted Borrower'] = loans['Defaulted Borrower'].astype('category')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 10 entries, 1 to 10
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column              Non-Null Count  Dtype   
---  ------              --------------  -----   
 0   Home Owner          10 non-null     category
 1   Marital Status      10 non-null     category
 2   Annual Income       10 non-null     int64   
 3   Defaulted Borrower  10 non-null     category
dtypes: category(3), int64(1)
memory usage: 570.0 bytes

Simple Model

Looking at the table, let’s just start with the simplest model possible and just predict that no one will default.

So the output of our model is just to always predict “No”.

import graphviz

dot_data = """
digraph Tree {
    node [shape=box, style="filled, rounded", color="black", fontname="helvetica"] ;
    edge [fontname="helvetica"] ;
    0 [label="values = [# No, # Yes] =[7,3]\\ndefaulted = No\\nerror = 30%", fillcolor="#ffffff"] ;

# Use graphviz to render the dot file
graph = graphviz.Source(dot_data)  

We see a 30% error rate since 3 out of 10 loans defaulted.

Let’s split the data based on the “Home Owner” field.

import graphviz

dot_data = """
digraph Tree {
    node [shape=box, style="filled, rounded", color="black", fontname="helvetica"] ;
    edge [fontname="helvetica"] ;
    0 [label="Home Owner?\\n---\\nsamples = 10\\nvalues = [7, 3]\\ndefaulted = No\\nerror = 30%", fillcolor="#ffffff"] ;
    1 [label="samples = 3\\nvalue = [3, 0]\\ndefaulted = No\\nerror = 0%", fillcolor="#e58139"] ;
    2 [label="samples = 7\\nvalue = [4, 3]\\ndefaulted = No\\nerror = 43%", fillcolor="#ffffff"] ;
    0 -> 1 [labeldistance=2.5, labelangle=45, headlabel="Yes"] ;
    0 -> 2 [labeldistance=2.5, labelangle=-45, headlabel="No"] ;}

# Use graphviz to render the dot file
graph = graphviz.Source(dot_data)  

We see that the left node (home owner == yes) has a 0% error rate since all the samples are no. We don’t split this node since all the samples are of the same class. We call this node a leaf node and we’ll color it orange.

The right node (home owner == no) has a 43% error rate since 3 out of 7 loans defaulted.

Let’s split this node into two nodes based on the “Marital Status” field.

Let’s split on the “Marital Status” field.

We see that the 3 defaulted loans are all for single or divorced people. Since the node is all one class, we don’t split this node and we call it a leaf node.

import graphviz

dot_data = """
digraph Tree {
    node [shape=box, style="filled, rounded", color="black", fontname="helvetica"] ;
    edge [fontname="helvetica"] ;
    0 [label="Home Owner?\\n---\\nsamples = 10\\nvalues = [7, 3]\\ndefaulted = No\\nerror = 30%", fillcolor="#ffffff"] ;
    1 [label="samples = 3\\nvalue = [3, 0]\\ndefaulted = No\\nerror = 0%", fillcolor="#e58139"] ;
    2 [label="Marital Status?\\n---\\nsamples = 7\\nvalue = [4, 3]\\ndefaulted = Yes", fillcolor="#ffffff"] ;
    3 [label="samples = 4\\nvalue = [1, 3]\\ndefaulted = Yes\\nerror = 25%", fillcolor="#ffffff"] ;
    4 [label="samples = 3\\nvalue = [3, 0]\\ndefaulted = No\\nerror = 0%", fillcolor="#e58139"] ;
    0 -> 1 [labeldistance=2.5, labelangle=45, headlabel="Yes"] ;
    0 -> 2 [labeldistance=2.5, labelangle=-45, headlabel="No"] ;
    2 -> 3 [labeldistance=2.5, labelangle=45, headlabel="Single,\\nDivorced"] ;
    2 -> 4 [labeldistance=2.5, labelangle=-45, headlabel="Married"] ;}

# Use graphviz to render the dot file
graph = graphviz.Source(dot_data)  

We can list the subsets for the two criteria to calculate the error rate.

loans[(loans['Home Owner'] == "No") & (loans['Marital Status'].isin(['Single', 'Divorced']))]
Home Owner Marital Status Annual Income Defaulted Borrower
3 No Single 70000 No
5 No Divorced 95000 Yes
8 No Single 85000 Yes
10 No Single 90000 Yes

Table: Home Owner == No and Marital Status == Single or Divorced –> Defaulted == Yes

loans[(loans['Home Owner'] == "No") & (loans['Marital Status'] == "Married")]
Home Owner Marital Status Annual Income Defaulted Borrower
2 No Married 100000 No
6 No Married 60000 No
9 No Married 75000 No

Table: Home Owner == No and Marital Status == Married –> Defaulted == No

Let’s try to split on the “Annual Income” field. We see that the person with income of 70K doesn’t default, so we split the node into two nodes based on the “Income” field. We arbitrarily pick a threshold of $75K.

import graphviz

dot_data = """
digraph Tree {
    node [shape=box, style="filled, rounded", color="black", fontname="helvetica"] ;
    edge [fontname="helvetica"] ;
    0 [label="Home Owner\\n---\\nsamples = 10\\nvalues = [7, 3]\\ndefaulted = No\\nerror = 30%", fillcolor="#ffffff"] ;
    1 [label="samples = 3\\nvalue = [3, 0]\\ndefaulted = No\\nerror = 0%", fillcolor="#e58139"] ;
    2 [label="Marital Status\\n---\\nsamples = 7\\nvalue = [4, 3]\\ndefaulted = Yes", fillcolor="#ffffff"] ;
    3 [label="Income <= 75K\\nsamples = 4\\nvalue = [1, 3]\\ndefaulted = Yes\\nerror = 25%", fillcolor="#ffffff"] ;
    4 [label="samples = 3\\nvalue = [3, 0]\\ndefaulted = No\\nerror = 0%", fillcolor="#e58139"] ;
    5 [label="samples = 1\\nvalue = [1, 0]\\ndefaulted = No\\nerror = 0%", fillcolor="#e58139"] ;
    6 [label="samples = 3\\nvalue = [0, 3]\\ndefaulted = Yes\\nerror = 0%", fillcolor="#e58139"] ;
    0 -> 1 [labeldistance=2.5, labelangle=45, headlabel="Yes"] ;
    0 -> 2 [labeldistance=2.5, labelangle=-45, headlabel="No"] ;
    2 -> 3 [labeldistance=2.5, labelangle=45, headlabel="Single,\\nDivorced"] ;
    2 -> 4 [labeldistance=2.5, labelangle=-45, headlabel="Married"] ;
    3 -> 5 [labeldistance=2.5, labelangle=45, headlabel="Yes"] ;
    3 -> 6 [labeldistance=2.5, labelangle=-45, headlabel="No"] ;}

# Use graphviz to render the dot file
graph = graphviz.Source(dot_data)  

Evaluating the Model

We’ve dispositioned every data point by walking down the tree to a leaf node.

How do we know if this tree is good? We arbitrarily picked the order of the fields to split on.

Is there a way to systematically pick the order of the fields to split on?

  • This is called the splitting criterion.

There’s also the question of when to stop splitting, or the stopping criterion.

So far, we stopped splitting when we reached a node of pure class but there are reasons to stop splitting even without pure classes, which we’ll see later.

Specifying the Test Condition

Before we continue, we should take a moment to consider how we specify a test condition of a node.

How we specify a test condition depends on the attribute type which can be:

  • Binary (Boolean)
  • Nominal (Categorical, e.g., cat, dog, bird)
  • Ordinal (e.g., Small, Medium, Large)
  • Continuous (e.g., 1.5, 2.1, 3.7)

And depends on the number of ways to split:

  • multi-way
  • binary

For a Nominal attribute:

In a Multi-way split we can use as many partitions as there are distinct values of the attribute:

import graphviz

dot_data = """
digraph Tree {
    node [shape=oval, style="filled, rounded", color="black", fontname="helvetica"] ;
    edge [fontname="helvetica"] ;
    0 [label="Marital Status", fillcolor="#ffffff"] ;
    1 [label="Single", fillcolor="#ffffff", shape="none"] ;
    2 [label="Divorced", fillcolor="#ffffff", shape="none"] ;
    3 [label="Married", fillcolor="#ffffff", shape="none"] ;
    0 -> 1 ;
    0 -> 2 ;
    0 -> 3 ; }

# Use graphviz to render the dot file
graph = graphviz.Source(dot_data)  

In a Binary split we divide the values into two groups.

In this case, we need to find an optimal partitioning of values into groups, which we discuss shortly.

For an Ordinal attribute, we can use a multi-way split with as many partitions as there are distinct values.

Or we can use a binary split as long we preserve the ordering of the values.


Be careful not to violate the ordering of values such as {Small, Large} and {Medium, X-Large}.

A Continuous attribute can be handled two ways:

It can be thresholded to form a binary split.

Or it can be split into contiguous ranges to form an ordinal categorical attribute.

Note that finding good partitions for nominal attributes can be expensive, possibly involving combinatorial searching of groupings.

However for ordinal or continuous attributes, sweeping through a range of threshold values can be more efficient.

Measures for Selecting Attribute and Test Condition

Ideally, we want to pick attributes and test conditions that maximize the homogeneity of the splits.

We can use an impurity index to measure the homogeneity of a split.

We’ll look at ways of measuring impurity of a node and the collective impurity of its child nodes.

Impurity Measures

The following are three impurity indices:

\[ \begin{aligned} \textnormal{Entropy} &= -\sum_{i=0}^{c-1} p_i(t) \log_2 p_i(t) \\ \textnormal{Gini index} &= 1 - \sum_{i=0}^{c-1} p_i(t)^2 \\ \textnormal{Classification error} &= 1 - \max_i p_i(t) \end{aligned} \]

where \(p_i(t)\) is the relative frequency of training instances of class \(i\) at a node \(t\) and \(c\) is the number of classes.


By convention, we set \(0 \log_2 0 = 0\) in entropy calculations.

All three impurity indices equal 0 when all the records at a node belong to the same class.

All three impurity indices reach their maximum value when the classes are evenly distributed among the child nodes.

Impurity Example 1

Node \(N_1\) Count
Class=0 0
Class=1 6

\[ \begin{aligned} \textnormal{Gini} &= 1 - \left(\frac{0}{6}\right)^2 - \left(\frac{6}{6}\right)^2 = 0 \\ \textnormal{Entropy} &= -\left(\frac{0}{6} \log_2 \frac{0}{6} + \frac{6}{6} \log_2 \frac{6}{6}\right) = 0 \\ \textnormal{Error} &= 1 - \max\left[\frac{0}{6}, \frac{6}{6}\right] = 0 \end{aligned} \]

Impurity Example 2

Node \(N_2\) Count
Class=0 1
Class=1 5

\[ \begin{aligned} \textnormal{Gini} &= 1 - \left(\frac{1}{6}\right)^2 - \left(\frac{5}{6}\right)^2 = 0.278 \\ \textnormal{Entropy} &= -\left(\frac{1}{6} \log_2 \frac{1}{6} + \frac{5}{6} \log_2 \frac{5}{6}\right) = 0.650 \\ \textnormal{Error} &= 1 - \max\left[\frac{1}{6}, \frac{5}{6}\right] = 0.167 \end{aligned} \]

Impurity Example 3

Node \(N_3\) Count
Class=0 3
Class=1 3

\[ \begin{aligned} \textnormal{Gini} &= 1 - \left(\frac{3}{6}\right)^2 - \left(\frac{3}{6}\right)^2 = 0.5 \\ \textnormal{Entropy} &= -\left(\frac{3}{6} \log_2 \frac{3}{6} + \frac{3}{6} \log_2 \frac{3}{6}\right) = 1 \\ \textnormal{Error} &= 1 - \max\left[\frac{3}{6}, \frac{3}{6}\right] = 0.5 \end{aligned} \]

We can plot the three impurity indices to get a sense of how they behave for binary classification problems.

They all maintain the same ordering for every relative frequency, i.e., Entropy > Gini > Misclassification error.

Collective Impurity of Child Nodes

We can compute the collective impurity of child nodes by taking a weighted sum of the impurities of the child nodes.

\[ I(\textnormal{children}) = \sum_{j=1}^{k} \frac{N(v_j)}{N}\; I(v_j) \]

Here we split \(N\) training instances into \(k\) child nodes, \(v_j\) for \(j=1, \ldots, k\).

\(N(v_j)\) is the number of training instances at child node \(v_j\) and \(I(v_j)\) is the impurity at child node \(v_j\).

Impurity Example

Let’s compute collective impurity on our loans dataset to see which feature to split on.

(a) Collective Entropy: 0.690

(b) Collective Entropy: 0.686

(c) Collective Entropy index: 0.00

Try calculating the collective Entropy for (a) and (b) and see if you get the same values.


The collective entropy for (c) is 0. Why would we not want to use this node?

There are two ways to overcome this problem.

  1. One way is to generate only binary decision trees, thus avoiding the difficulty of handling attributes with varying number of partitions. This strategy is employed by decision tree classifiers such as CART.
  2. Another way is to modify the splitting criterion to take into account the number of partitions produced by the attribute. For example, in the C4.5 decision tree algorithm, a measure known as gain ratio is used to compensate for attributes that produce a large number of child nodes.

CART stands for Classification And Regression Tree.

Gain Ratio

See (Tan, Steinbach, and Kumar 2018, chap. 3, p. 127):

  • Having a low impurity value alone is insufficient to find a good attribute test condition for a node.
  • Having more child nodes can make a decision tree more complex and consequently more susceptible to overfitting.

Hence, the number of children produced by the splitting attribute should also be taken into consideration while deciding the best attribute test condition.

\[ \text{Gain ratio} = \frac{\Delta_{\text{info}}}{\text{Split Info}} = \frac{\text{Entropy(Parent)} - \sum_{i=1}^{k} \frac{N(v_i)}{N} \text{Entropy}(v_i)}{- \sum_{i=1}^{k} \frac{N(v_i)}{N} \log_2 \frac{N(v_i)}{N}} \]

where \(N(v_i)\) is the number of instances assigned to node \(v_i\) and \(k\) is the total number of splits.

The split information measures the entropy of splitting a node into its child nodes and evaluates if the split results in a larger number of equally-sized child nodes or not.

Identifying the Best Attribute Test Condition

Here’s an example of how to identify the best attribute test condition using the Gini impurity index.

Splitting Continuous Attributes

For quantitative attributes like Annual Income, we need to find some threshold \(\tau\) that minimizes the impurity index.

The following table illustrates the process.


  1. Sort all the training instances by Annual Income in increasing order.
  2. Pick thresholds half way between consecutive values.
  3. Compute the Gini impurity index for each threshold.
  4. Select the threshold that minimizes the Gini impurity index.

Run Decision Tree on Loans Data Set

Let’s run the Scikit-learn Decision Tree, sklearn.tree, on the loans data set.

sklearn.tree requires all fields to be numeric.

So first we have to convert the categorical fields to category index numeric fields.

loans['Defaulted Borrower'] = loans['Defaulted Borrower']
loans['Home Owner'] = loans['Home Owner']
loans['Marital Status'] = loans['Marital Status']
Home Owner Marital Status Annual Income Defaulted Borrower
1 1 2 125000 0
2 0 1 100000 0
3 0 2 70000 0
4 1 1 120000 0
5 0 0 95000 1

Then the independent variables are all the fields except the “Defaulted Borrower” field, which we’ll assign to X.

The dependent variable is the “Defaulted Borrower” field, which we’ll assign to y.

from sklearn import tree

X = loans.drop('Defaulted Borrower', axis=1)
y = loans['Defaulted Borrower']


<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 10 entries, 1 to 10
Data columns (total 3 columns):
 #   Column          Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------          --------------  -----
 0   Home Owner      10 non-null     int8 
 1   Marital Status  10 non-null     int8 
 2   Annual Income   10 non-null     int64
dtypes: int64(1), int8(2)
memory usage: 180.0 bytes


<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
Index: 10 entries, 1 to 10
Series name: Defaulted Borrower
Non-Null Count  Dtype
--------------  -----
10 non-null     int8 
dtypes: int8(1)
memory usage: 90.0 bytes

Let’s fit a decision tree to the data.

clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion='gini', random_state=42)
clf =, y)

Let’s plot the tree.

Interestingly, the tree was built using only the Income field.

That’s arguably an advantage of Decision Trees: they automatically perform feature selection.

Ensemble Methods

(See Tan, Steinbach, and Kumar (2018), Chapter 4)

Motivated around the idea that combining several noisy classifiers can result in a better prediction under certain conditions.

  • The base classifiers are independent
  • The base classifiers are noisy (high variance)
  • The base classifiers are low (ideally zero) bias

Bias and Variance


  • Definition: Error due to overly simplistic models.
  • High bias: Model underfits the data.
    • Example: Shallow decision trees.
  • Low bias: Model accurately captures the underlying patterns in the data.
    • Example: Deep decision trees.


  • Definition: Error due to overly complex models.
  • High Variance: Model overfits the data.
    • Example: Deep decision trees.
  • Low variance: Model predictions are stable and consistent across different training datasets.

Bias Variance Trade-Off

Goal: Find a balance to minimize total error.

Bias-Variance Trade-off: Low bias and low variance are ideal but challenging to achieve simultaneously.

Random Forests

Random forests are an ensemble of decision trees that:

  • Construct a set of base classifiers from random sub-samples of the training data.
  • Train each base classifier to completion.
  • Take a majority vote of the base classifiers to form the final prediction.

Titanic Example

We’ll use the Titanic data set and excerpts of this Kaggle tutorial to illustrate the concepts of overfitting and random forests.

import pandas as pd

import os
import urllib.request

# Check if the directory exists, if not, create it
if not os.path.exists('data/titanic'):

if not os.path.exists('data/titanic/train.csv'):
    url = ''
    urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, 'data/titanic/train.csv')

df_train = pd.read_csv('data/titanic/train.csv', index_col='PassengerId')

if not os.path.exists('data/titanic/test.csv'):
    url = ''
    urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, 'data/titanic/test.csv')

df_test = pd.read_csv('data/titanic/test.csv', index_col='PassengerId')

Let’s look at the training data.

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 891 entries, 1 to 891
Data columns (total 11 columns):
 #   Column    Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------    --------------  -----  
 0   Survived  891 non-null    int64  
 1   Pclass    891 non-null    int64  
 2   Name      891 non-null    object 
 3   Sex       891 non-null    object 
 4   Age       714 non-null    float64
 5   SibSp     891 non-null    int64  
 6   Parch     891 non-null    int64  
 7   Ticket    891 non-null    object 
 8   Fare      891 non-null    float64
 9   Cabin     204 non-null    object 
 10  Embarked  889 non-null    object 
dtypes: float64(2), int64(4), object(5)
memory usage: 83.5+ KB

We can see that there are 891 entries with 11 fields. ‘Age’, ‘Cabin’, and ‘Embarked’ have missing values.

Survived Pclass Name Sex Age SibSp Parch Ticket Fare Cabin Embarked
1 0 3 Braund, Mr. Owen Harris male 22.0 1 0 A/5 21171 7.2500 NaN S
2 1 1 Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... female 38.0 1 0 PC 17599 71.2833 C85 C
3 1 3 Heikkinen, Miss. Laina female 26.0 0 0 STON/O2. 3101282 7.9250 NaN S
4 1 1 Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) female 35.0 1 0 113803 53.1000 C123 S
5 0 3 Allen, Mr. William Henry male 35.0 0 0 373450 8.0500 NaN S

Let’s look at the test data.

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 418 entries, 892 to 1309
Data columns (total 10 columns):
 #   Column    Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------    --------------  -----  
 0   Pclass    418 non-null    int64  
 1   Name      418 non-null    object 
 2   Sex       418 non-null    object 
 3   Age       332 non-null    float64
 4   SibSp     418 non-null    int64  
 5   Parch     418 non-null    int64  
 6   Ticket    418 non-null    object 
 7   Fare      417 non-null    float64
 8   Cabin     91 non-null     object 
 9   Embarked  418 non-null    object 
dtypes: float64(2), int64(3), object(5)
memory usage: 35.9+ KB
Pclass Name Sex Age SibSp Parch Ticket Fare Cabin Embarked
892 3 Kelly, Mr. James male 34.5 0 0 330911 7.8292 NaN Q
893 3 Wilkes, Mrs. James (Ellen Needs) female 47.0 1 0 363272 7.0000 NaN S
894 2 Myles, Mr. Thomas Francis male 62.0 0 0 240276 9.6875 NaN Q
895 3 Wirz, Mr. Albert male 27.0 0 0 315154 8.6625 NaN S
896 3 Hirvonen, Mrs. Alexander (Helga E Lindqvist) female 22.0 1 1 3101298 12.2875 NaN S

There are 418 entries in the test set with same fields except for ‘Survived’, which is what we need to predict.

We’ll do some data cleaning and preparation.

import numpy as np

def proc_data(df):
    df['Fare'] = df.Fare.fillna(0)
    df.fillna(modes, inplace=True) # Fill missing values with the mode
    df['LogFare'] = np.log1p(df['Fare'])  # Create a new column for the log of the fare + 1
    df['Embarked'] = pd.Categorical(df.Embarked)  # Convert to categorical
    df['Sex'] = pd.Categorical(df.Sex)  # Convert to categorical

modes = df_train.mode().iloc[0] # Get the mode for each column


Look at the dataframes again.

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 891 entries, 1 to 891
Data columns (total 12 columns):
 #   Column    Non-Null Count  Dtype   
---  ------    --------------  -----   
 0   Survived  891 non-null    int64   
 1   Pclass    891 non-null    int64   
 2   Name      891 non-null    object  
 3   Sex       891 non-null    category
 4   Age       891 non-null    float64 
 5   SibSp     891 non-null    int64   
 6   Parch     891 non-null    int64   
 7   Ticket    891 non-null    object  
 8   Fare      891 non-null    float64 
 9   Cabin     891 non-null    object  
 10  Embarked  891 non-null    category
 11  LogFare   891 non-null    float64 
dtypes: category(2), float64(3), int64(4), object(3)
memory usage: 78.6+ KB
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 418 entries, 892 to 1309
Data columns (total 11 columns):
 #   Column    Non-Null Count  Dtype   
---  ------    --------------  -----   
 0   Pclass    418 non-null    int64   
 1   Name      418 non-null    object  
 2   Sex       418 non-null    category
 3   Age       418 non-null    float64 
 4   SibSp     418 non-null    int64   
 5   Parch     418 non-null    int64   
 6   Ticket    418 non-null    object  
 7   Fare      418 non-null    float64 
 8   Cabin     418 non-null    object  
 9   Embarked  418 non-null    category
 10  LogFare   418 non-null    float64 
dtypes: category(2), float64(3), int64(3), object(3)
memory usage: 33.7+ KB

We’ll create lists of features by type.

cats=["Sex","Embarked"]  # Categorical
conts=['Age', 'SibSp', 'Parch', 'LogFare',"Pclass"]  # Continuous
dep="Survived"  # Dependent variable

Let’s explore some fields starting with survival rate by gender.

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig,axs = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(11,5))
sns.barplot(data=df_train, y='Survived', x="Sex", ax=axs[0], hue="Sex", palette=["#3374a1","#e1812d"]).set(title="Survival rate")
sns.countplot(data=df_train, x="Sex", ax=axs[1], hue="Sex", palette=["#3374a1","#e1812d"]).set(title="Histogram");

Indeed, “women and children first” was enforced on the Titanic.

Since we don’t have labels for the test data, we’ll split the training data into training and validation.

from numpy import random
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

trn_df,val_df = train_test_split(df_train, test_size=0.25)

# Replace categorical fields with numeric codes
trn_df[cats] = trn_df[cats].apply(lambda x:
val_df[cats] = val_df[cats].apply(lambda x:

Let’s split the independent (input) variables from the dependent (output) variable.

def xs_y(df):
    xs = df[cats+conts].copy()
    return xs,df[dep] if dep in df else None

trn_xs,trn_y = xs_y(trn_df)
val_xs,val_y = xs_y(val_df)

Here’s the predictions for our extremely simple model, where female is coded as 0:

preds = val_xs.Sex==0

We’ll use mean absolute error to measure how good this model is:

from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error
mean_absolute_error(val_y, preds)

Alternatively, we could try splitting on a continuous column. We have to use a somewhat different chart to see how this might work – here’s an example of how we could look at LogFare:

df_fare = trn_df[trn_df.LogFare>0]
fig,axs = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(11,5))
sns.boxenplot(data=df_fare, x=dep, y="LogFare", ax=axs[0], hue=dep, palette=["#3374a1","#e1812d"])
sns.kdeplot(data=df_fare, x="LogFare", ax=axs[1]);

The boxenplot above shows quantiles of LogFare for each group of Survived==0 and Survived==1.

It shows that the average LogFare for passengers that didn’t survive is around 2.5, and for those that did it’s around 3.2.

So it seems that people that paid more for their tickets were more likely to get put on a lifeboat.

Let’s create a simple model based on this observation:

preds = val_xs.LogFare>2.7

…and test it out:

mean_absolute_error(val_y, preds)

This is quite a bit less accurate than our model that used Sex as the single binary split.

Full Decision Tree

Ok. Let’s build a decision tree model using all the features.

clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion='gini', random_state=42)
clf =, trn_y)

Let’s draw the tree.

annotations = tree.plot_tree(clf, 
               class_names=['No', 'Yes'])

Full Tree – Evaluation Error

Let’s see how it does on the validation set.

preds = clf.predict(val_xs)
mean_absolute_error(val_y, preds)

That is quite a bit worse than splitting on Sex alone!!

Stopping Criteria – Minimum Samples Split

Let’s train the decision tree again but with stopping criteria based on the number of samples in a node.

clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion='gini', random_state=42, min_samples_split=20)
clf =, trn_y)

Let’s draw the tree.

annotations = tree.plot_tree(clf, 
               class_names=['No', 'Yes'])

Min Samples Split – Evaluation Error

Let’s see how it does on the validation set.

preds = clf.predict(val_xs)
mean_absolute_error(val_y, preds)

Decision Tree – Maximum Depth

Let’s train the decision tree again but with a maximum depth of 3.

clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion='gini', random_state=42, max_depth=3)
clf =, trn_y)

Let’s draw the tree.

annotations = tree.plot_tree(clf, 
               class_names=['No', 'Yes'])

Maximum Depth – Evaluation Error

Let’s see how it does on the validation set.

preds = clf.predict(val_xs)
mean_absolute_error(val_y, preds)

Random Forest

Let’s try a random forest.

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, random_state=42)
clf =, trn_y)

Let’s see how it does on the validation set.

preds = clf.predict(val_xs)
mean_absolute_error(val_y, preds)


Hastie, Trevor, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman. 2009. The Elements of Statistical Learning. 2nd ed. Springer.
Tan, Pang-Ning, Michael Steinbach, and Vipin Kumar. 2018. Introduction to Data Mining. 2nd ed. Pearson.
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